Thursday 25 October 2012

Vidal Sassoon....ART

'How One Man Changed The World With A Pair of Scissors'

Part of the course, I travelled to London with the university to visit Somerset House to see the exhibitions on Vidal Sassoon and Tim Walker. Honestly, for the course I didn't see the relevance to see these exhibitions as I didn't see the connection to our projects with the theme being 'tribal' buuuuuuuut, I had a great day out with everyone from my group as it was nice to hang out with the girls out of uni.
The actually exhibition its self,  I thought was very disappointing considering the legend on who the exhibition was for. I feel that from what Sassoon achieved and created, he deserved more of praise for what he did. The exhibition itself I thought was a bit naff. As it only really included...his time line, a brief explanation on what the exhibition involves, and pop art canvas which has a few images of Sassoon's infamous hair creations.
 Not even any imagery from the 50/60s of what Sassoon created, but edited onto canvases and with very brief explanations of where the images originated from. Apart from the bibliography which was a time line of his life, there werent any factual parts whcih explained his techniques and where he got his inspiration from which is what I was looking forward to seeing being a hair stylist myself.

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