Saturday, 24 November 2012

where it starts....DESIGNS!

So from my research, I have started designing and so far this is what I have. For this one I feel this would work well for my catwalk shoot, as although the hair is quite a statement and will be of a large size, the style of make-up I have practiced and with what my model shall be wearing (a black boob tube with a tribal necklace), this look as a whole would move well which is why it would be perfect for the catwalk and not editorial. 
This is from a practical studio session where we were allowed to spend our time practising any of the techniques which we weren't too comfortable with for our final shoots. I practised on my friend, Freya Mayo, and i aimed my session on perfecting contouring as with my final look I want the cheek bones and jaw line to be really defined, to give the final image quite a masculine feel. Whereas with my final shoot, my model is mixed race, but with Freya being white, I still took this opportunity to practise. Using mainly bronzer and a mixer of shades of orange and pink from my shadow palette, I think this was a great success as it made me realise that when doing a shoot, before hand when applying the make-up I must bare in mind that the lighting of the shoot will fade out a lot of the colours and tones. So much remember that to apply more and darker shades, will work out best in the end as I will gain the result that I want.
This is the design which I worked from when practising on Freya. As you can see on the face-chart that there are quite of lot of pinky orange tones, quite peachy as with throughout my research I focused on colour with regards to the make up and the hair. 
These are my initial idea designs, as with my focus being on colour, I wanted to incorporate this throughout the colour. To create this I think my options would either be to use Fullers-Earth which we practised in class or to use super-colour. I think with Fullers-Earth this would be a decent option as applying colour on top, the colour tends to show out quite well once the fullers earth has fully dried, but the downside about it it I think it only looks well if you apply it only to the hair line because with the way I want to style the hair, this wouldn't work well as the fullers earth would restrict me as to what I could to with the hair after applied. Whereas with super-colour, once the hair has been styled, using a think brush I could add the colour easily where I want it to be but it will make the hair quite straw like.

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