Thursday 22 November 2012

Wiggin' it out.....

Monday 12th November 2012, the inspirational wig maker and hair artist, Seema Chorpa came into uni and did a guest lecture on what she has achieve and how she got there throughout the years.

This is a small collection of some of Seema's work which she presented to us during our lecture, then after we were split into 2 groups for a tutorial workshop. During this, we were paired up and told to try and create one of our hair designs for our project and finally, for our shoots. My partner Emma used me as a model from this, I learnt how to attach hair pieces securely and safely for the comfort of the model and how to create different shapes/textures/designs from a range of techniques. Once the base was complete, Emma then experimented with plaits and crepe colored hair to see how adding color would look.

I found this workshop very helpful as although I was doing the practical work myself, I learnt from simply observing. It gave me fresh ideas and confidence to try and create a unique look for my final shoot which I can incorporate these techniques in which I have learnt. 

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